Again and again, Broken Promises…don’t let it happen, sign the petition. (from the V.F.W.)

Don't let Congress cut 10 key programs  to cover 10 years of

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Dear Friend,

It’s unconscionable!

Our leaders in Congress are actually considering cutting 10 critical benefits that affect our nation’s service members, veterans and their families. VFW is calling it the “10 for 10” plan—cutting 10 benefits to pay for 10 years of war. Read more about it.

We can’t let this happen! VFW needs you to sign this important petition. We’ll let Congress know we have an army of patriots behind us who won’t let them level unjust funding cuts on our defenders and their families!

Sign the Petition

America’s debt crisis calls for tough decisions. That’s a given. But there is no way we’ll allow them to make budget cuts on the backs of our veterans.

You can also help by getting your Facebook friendsinvolved! We need every patriot to stand up and be heard!–VFW-WON%E2%80%99T-STAND-FOR-BROKEN-PROMISES/

Update..11/17/11..Colbert Nation:  “The Word”… Steven Colbert’s satire is spot on.  Congress demands more sacrfice from our  Veterans, our Service men/women…Spot on…—the-1-?xrs=share_fb—the-1-?xrs=share_copy